Pat Domingo

Pat Domingo

Pat Domingo



I’m am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Suspendisse interdum velit eget nunc euismod, quis commodo odio fermentum. Aliquam a volutpat augue, id maximus sapien. Praesent porttitor laoreet est ac mollis. Donec condimentum augue ut elit fermentum vehicula. Ut tortor tellus, tristique convallis est nec, viverra molestie lacus.”

Vestibulum elementum efficitur libero, ac sodales ante faucibus sed. Cras luctus, enim sed venenatis mattis, arcu dolor iaculis urna, a tristique eros justo et lectus

..unser Empfinden für Ästhetik ist wie ein Spiegelbild, dass sehr klar das innere Indiviuum ausmacht. Einzigartig zu sein, anders und vor allem ehrlich und treu sich selbst ist der Schlüssel zum Ausdruck von Kunst.

Pat Domingo
based in

Pat Domingo

I’m am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Suspendisse interdum velit eget nunc euismod, quis commodo odio fermentum. Aliquam a volutpat augue, id maximus sapien. Praesent porttitor laoreet est ac mollis. Donec condimentum augue ut elit fermentum vehicula. Ut tortor tellus, tristique convallis est nec, viverra molestie lacus.”

Vestibulum elementum efficitur libero, ac sodales ante faucibus sed. Cras luctus, enim sed venenatis mattis, arcu dolor iaculis urna, a tristique eros justo et lectus


Aigner // Bentley // Boss // Breitling // Calzedonia // Claire Luise // Diesel // Dior // Escada // Fendi // Ferrari // Hotel Bristol // Jo Malone London // Leica // Longchamp // Louis Vuitton // Max Mara // Montblanc // Panerai Germany // Prada // Strellson // Tommy Jeans


Pat Domingo: A Life Through the Lens On September 12, 1987, a remarkable fashion photographer with Asian roots was born in Vienna, Austria. His name? Pat Domingo. This Austrian gem has conquered the international fashion world with his talent and passion, and his unique career deserves to be celebrated in full. Pat Domingo has evolved into a master of his craft. His motto, "Stop taking pictures, start taking photographies," reflects his dedication to the art of photography. His images tell stories, transcending the visual realm and capturing emotions that captivate viewers. Throughout his remarkable career, Pat Domingo worked for prestigious news agencies. Yet, his passion drove him even further. He ventured into the most remote zones as a photographer for the United Nations, including the Middle East, West Africa, and Southeast Asia. His images have brought global attention to the most pressing challenges. Today, Pat Domingo proudly carries the title of "Global Leica Ambassador," underscoring his outstanding skills and strong ties to the photography industry. However, his work extends beyond photography. Domingo is an advocate for diversity, encouraging everyone to "Never be ashamed to be different." His extraordinary talent has caught the attention of celebrities and top fashion designers worldwide. He has collaborated with iconic figures from the worlds of fashion and entertainment, and luxury brands such as Dior, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Boss and Bulgari have eagerly sought him as a partner. Born in Vienna, the home of the Vienna Secession and creative innovation, Pat Domingo has embarked on a journey that is far from over. His images tell stories that touch the hearts of people and open their eyes to the beauty and diversity of the world. Pat Domingo is an Austrian artist who inspires and transforms the world. ©NoraKahn