Lilly Neyer

Lilly Neyer

Lilly Neyer

Hair & Make-up


I’m am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Suspendisse interdum velit eget nunc euismod, quis commodo odio fermentum. Aliquam a volutpat augue, id maximus sapien. Praesent porttitor laoreet est ac mollis. Donec condimentum augue ut elit fermentum vehicula. Ut tortor tellus, tristique convallis est nec, viverra molestie lacus.”

Vestibulum elementum efficitur libero, ac sodales ante faucibus sed. Cras luctus, enim sed venenatis mattis, arcu dolor iaculis urna, a tristique eros justo et lectus

..unser Empfinden für Ästhetik ist wie ein Spiegelbild, dass sehr klar das innere Indiviuum ausmacht. Einzigartig zu sein, anders und vor allem ehrlich und treu sich selbst ist der Schlüssel zum Ausdruck von Kunst.

Lilly Neyer
based in
Hair & Make-up

Lilly Neyer

I’m am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Suspendisse interdum velit eget nunc euismod, quis commodo odio fermentum. Aliquam a volutpat augue, id maximus sapien. Praesent porttitor laoreet est ac mollis. Donec condimentum augue ut elit fermentum vehicula. Ut tortor tellus, tristique convallis est nec, viverra molestie lacus.”

Vestibulum elementum efficitur libero, ac sodales ante faucibus sed. Cras luctus, enim sed venenatis mattis, arcu dolor iaculis urna, a tristique eros justo et lectus


Del Fabro Kolarik // Forbes DA Magazine // Grawe Versicherungen  // Krüger Dirndl // Sandra Hesch  // SCRA Altach // Sony Entertainment // Volksoper Wien // Whyat


Lilly Neyer was fascinated by the world of fashion and beauty from a young age. This early interest developed into a passion that shaped her future. At the age of 13, Lilly began to delve deeper into cosmetics. She experimented a lot, which allowed her to continuously improve her skills.

At 14, Lilly joined an acrobatics group that performed internationally. This experience was not only enriching in terms of sports but also provided Lilly with the opportunity to take her skills to the next level. She did the makeup for the entire crew for their performances and realized that her future lay in this field. She decided to become a freelance artist after completing her secondary education. Lilly graduated in 2021, but the COVID-19 pandemic forced her to postpone her plans for professional training. However, she never lost sight of her goal and used the time to further educate herself and refine her techniques. In the summer of 2022, she moved to London to attend the renowned _DELAMAR Academy " for her training.

During her six-month program in London, Lilly learned everything necessary for a successful career in the industry: beauty techniques, special effects, prosthetics and hair styling for fashion, film, theater, and commercials. Her focus was on advanced fashion. She had the privilege of learning from renowned experts such as Catherine Scoble, who is an award-winning make-up designer, responsible for projects like Marvel's Secret Invasion and other well-known movies, and Andrew Denton, a celebrity makeup artist, and core team member of Giorgio Armani Beauty for Fashion Week.

In February 2023, Lilly successfully completed her training and began her career as a freelance makeup artist in Vienna. Since then, she has made a name for herself and works, among other places, at the “Vienna Volksoper". She has been responsible for the cover of Forbes Magazine's "30 Under 30," collaborated with Sony Entertainment, and worked on campaigns for brands like Whyat, Krüger Dirndl, and the Vienna Opera Ball. She has also completed projects with the renowned Andrew Denver.

Lilly Neyer is known for her "clean skin" look, characterized by flawless and natural skin. She places great importance on highlighting the natural features of her clients while maintaining their individuality. Despite her impressive skills, she remains curious and eager to learn. Her motto is: "No matter how long you've been in the job, you've never learned it all." This attitude is reflected in her work, which is marked by creativity, adaptability, and a constant pursuit of perfection. Today, Lilly Neyer is a successful and sought-after makeup artist, who has turned her passion into a career and continually finds new ways to develop her craft. ©norakahn