Parham Sajjadi

Parham Sajjadi

Parham Sajjadi

based in

Parham Sajjadi

I’m am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

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Julia Trentini // Budapest Central European Fashion Week // Esquire Germany // Klangkarussel // Musso // Ranfilm // Rosewood Munich // Ivana Ho // Nina Süss // John Reed Austria/Germany // AladdinJameel // Lukas Rieger


Parham, a talented videographer based in Vienna, embarked on his journey into the worldof visual arts at the tender age of 14. His interest in film and photography began with thehumble start of capturing the world with his iPhone. During his studies in CommunicationsManagement and Marketing, he honed his skills and explored the multifaceted realm ofmedia.

His creative eye manifested early on when, at 16, he began taking photos for friends andalso worked as a model, cultivating a growing fascination for fashion. During his universityyears, he delved into the world of video production, borrowing cameras from friends toartistically capture his surroundings.

After departing from a creative agency in the advertising industry, where he worked on360-degree campaigns and photography. He traversed various areas of media production,including television and sports, before realizing that his true calling lay within the fashionindustry.

Parham’s creative credo revolves around capturing people in front of the camera andimmortalizing authentic moments. His style seamlessly blends the analog charm of bygoneeras with contemporary sophistication. His intuition for the perfect moment and the abilityto keep the camera rolling at crucial times give his work a distinctive touch.

Self-teaching videography and engaging extensively with like-minded individuals in hiscircle shaped Parham’s creative path. His belief that true learning happens through hands-on experiences is evident in his work. Breaking free from theoretical constraints isessential for him to continuously create something new.

With a clear goal in mind, Parham aspires to establish himself as an artist. His pursuit isfocused on creating a unique creative expression that permeates all his works. Parhamactively seeks involvement in the creative process to ensure that each of his videosunmistakably bears his own signature. For him, the future entails leaving behind an artisticlegacy that reflects his unique perspective and passion for the world of fashion.©NoraKahn